Ultracold Strontium

We study many-body quantum physics with ultracold strontium atoms in optical lattices. Our lab is located at the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching, Germany, in Immanuel Bloch’s Quantum Many-Body Physics Division.
Within the last twenty years, we have witnessed an exciting interaction between precision measurement and many-body physics because the world’s most accurate and precise clocks — operating at the 2 × 10-18 level — are based on fermionic 87Sr trapped in optical lattices. Doing measurements with 18 digits of precision required understanding the interactions between the strontium atoms at an unprecedented level.
We believe that the strontium atom offers many more exciting possibilities to improve our understanding of many-body quantum physics. We are working on

- Spin-dependent lattices for the clock states using tune-out wavelengths
- Very large and homogeneous lattice systems using in-vacuum buildup cavities (see Fig. 2)
- Single-site and single-atom resolved quantum gas microscopy for strontium
- Metrological gain through quantum state engineering
- Quantum information processing with two-electron atoms
If you would like to learn more, here is a list of the most relevant review papers related to our work: